Whats your middle name? Maria Siv
How big is your bed? 90cm -
What are you listening to right now? Bruno Mars The other side
What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number? 6832
What was the last thing you ate? äpple
Last person you hugged? Mamma
How is the weather right now? Blåsigt
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Klarabella
What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? Ögon(!), hår och kläder
Favorite type of food. Vet inte, beror på.
Do you want children? Ja, ett
Do you drink? Om du menar alkohol så nej.
Ever get so drunk you don’t remember the entire night? Nej
Hair color? Jadu, just nu alla möjliga. Men brun.
Eye colour? Gröngulbrun, milerade.
Do you wear contacts/glasses? Tyvärr, ja.
Favorite holiday? Midsommar
Favorite season? Sommar/Höst
Have you ever cried over a girl/boy? Tror det
Last movie you watched? Bio - Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna del2, Hemma - Step up 3D -
What books are you reading? Läser inga just nu.
Piercings? Öronen
Favorite movie? Twilight Saga, iron Man, Xmen .. har fler haha.
Favorite college football team? Typ inget.
What were you doing before filling this out? Kollade Bruno Mars bloggar ..
Any pets? Ja
Dogs or cats? Hund
Favorite flower? ähh, ros? Vet inte.
Have you ever loved someone? Nej jag har inga känslor ? Ja klart jag har.
Who would you like to see right now? Peter, haha .. -.-
Have you ever fired a gun? Nej
Do you like to travel by plane? Har aldrig flugit
Right-handed or Left-handed? Höger
If you could go to any place right now where would you go? New York, Hawaii
Are you missing someone? Ja.
Do you have a tattoo? Nej.
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Nej
Are you hiding something from someone? ? -
Are you 18? Nej
What do before you go to bed? Lyssnar på musik, gör en egen dröm i huvudet, haha.